Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Telus TV and A Fib
I did stitch up the lovely tree design from Stitch Pink and do have a nice photo I could show you, but that would be fibbing. I decided to make a pillow out of it and had it all sewn up nicely, but there was this fold in the back material that bugged me, so I got the iron out, oh did I say I used dyed floss. Yup, the water ran out of the iron and all over the design and it ran like crazy. So I now have this awful looking un-stuffed pillow, I guess in hindsight if I stuffed it well that damn fold might not have shown. Does anyone know if there is a way of fixing this without ruining it even more ?
I recently added a couple of tickers to one of my posts and just realized the Birthday one was wrong.

To those of you who I thought I was a Christmas Baby, I couldn't wait that long. :)

Posted by Irene at 8:38 PM 4 comments
Monday, December 03, 2007
Sammy Snowcone

When I looked through the December issue of TGOS with so many nice ornament designs, I decided to do this one. It is stitched on 28ct. DMC Linen col. 842 with CC Cupid. It is a very quick stitch, took maybe an hour. Not sure what I am going to put on the back of this one, but I am going to try and make a triangle ornament.
Posted by Irene at 3:11 PM 6 comments
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Winter has Arrived
This is what I woke up to this morning. The first is a view from my front window and the other the back. I really should be out there shovelling it, but believe it or not they predict "heavy" rains for tomorrow. So I am going to wait them out.
Just when I was going to take pictures of my stitching the battery died, so you'll have to wait to see what I have finished stitching.
Posted by Irene at 10:54 AM 5 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Snow !!
Not sure how the weather forecaster does it, but snow was predicted and it is now snowing. Not often they are right. It is also suppose to turn to rain by tomorrow.
I don't have any stitching to show, I like to show mine completed and I'm still working on some. I'm stitching CCN Gingerbread Cottage and can't find the 2 CC colors it calls for, so have ordered some. I was working on LHN Snow Bunnies and ran into an error in counting where there was too much to rip out. Wasn't that keen on the fabric, so will start it over when I find a fabric I like, hopefully in my stash.
I've added a couple of tickers to my blog, I've seen them on heaps of others, and like them so took the plunge. I've also added a "handwritten" signature, borrowed the idea from Cathey.
Posted by Irene at 10:21 AM 5 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
This is a Heart in Hand design that I stitched earlier this year. I used DMC CV and Sassy Fabbys. Not sure of the names, but if you would like to know I will look them up. The blue fabric is what I used for the back.
Some of you have asked who the designer is for my "Just One More Stitch", I don't remember off hand and when I find the pattern I will post it here. It's an old pattern and put safely away somewhere :)
Posted by Irene at 3:01 PM 7 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
I'm Back

Posted by Irene at 4:08 PM 9 comments
Monday, October 08, 2007
Surprise Finishes
Posted by Irene at 4:25 PM 15 comments
Monday, October 01, 2007
2 Finishes
Posted by Irene at 8:52 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Stormy Weather
When I got off work today, it was sunny and clear. As I was driving home it became darker and I could see the black clouds looming ahead. All of a sudden it started to downpour and then came HAIL. I was scared to drive, so pulled into a Safeway parking lot to sit it out. I could see the lighting but couldn't hear the thunder through the hail hitting my car. I have never been so terrified, the sound is indescribable and I would not wish it upon anyone. After 15 minutes it slowed down so I drove very slowly, as did most drivers and finally made it home. Tiger was not too happy, going from room to room and I now have a better understanding of how she must feel during a storm. 2 hours later it was sunny again. :)
Posted by Irene at 8:48 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 16, 2007
$150.90 later....
This is what my poor baby looks like. Tiger looses hair on her back above the tail every summer. Yes, it is a seasonal thing, I believe from swimming in Trout Lake. If she can't get someone to scratch her, she goes under the bushes in the yard and scratches, uses furniture, rolls back and forth on the carpet, you name it she knows how to scratch. This year is especially bad, now she is getting little sores that are bleeding. So last Friday off to the vet we go, $54.00 just to walk in the door, since we are there $14.00 to trim her nails, the rest is medication and the cone. She is on antibiotics and antihistamine, which seem to be working well. She doesn't scratch (as much) and each day is less and less. Now, the cone, not sure why the vet wanted her to wear it, Tiger can't reach that part of her back with her paws. She had it on for maybe 15 minutes and I could not stand it anymore :), She must have thought the world ended, the look on her face was pitiful and all she would do is stand and look bewildered. Strange part is they never suggested she wear a cone when she gets ear infections and that would be when it is really needed. She is my baby and worth the cost, but it will cut into the stash fund.
My goal of finishing WIP's this month is not getting very far. I'm still working on one and I have a few to do. I really what to start stitching something new, but will try and restrain myself :)
Posted by Irene at 2:04 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Jammer and Floss
I went to Bellingham today in search of the .10cent DMC everyone is talking about and found them. The cashier had to scan each and every 271 of them individually. I always check for Jammers when I'm there and this time they had them. One would think since Walmart is selling out their stock of DMC they would discount the floss cards for storing them. Not so. I'm hoping I have enough on hand.
Posted by Irene at 7:55 PM 7 comments
Friday, August 31, 2007
This is a cute pattern I got from Creative Poppy . It certainly lived up to it's image, I had to "rip it" a few times. It is stitched on Sassy's Fabbys Gray Flannel 28 ct. evenweave. The fabric I picked up at Michael's and am going to use it for the back. It just may mature into a pin keep. I also have a few small stitches I've done, no photos yet, recharging my battery.
Posted by Irene at 4:46 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Get off your duff and start reading !!
I love reading, at least I used to. When I worked full time, most lunch hours you would find me reading. Since I "retired" back in Oct. 2003 I have read maybe 4 books. I've read heaps of magazines, the articles are short and sweet. As I was reading some of my favorite blogs today, Mary Kathryn mentioned Good Reads and a bulb went off, what a good way to get back into one of my favorite hobbies. I tired signing up, only to find I had already signed up back in June, that will be for another posting entitled "She Forgets". Since I am already signed up for Good Reads I should probably use it. I am starting tonight with a book I have by Danielle Steel called "The Gift". I read this when it first came out in 1994, and am sure I will enjoy it today as much as I did then.
Thanks to the messages about my printer, I was able to get what I needed off their web site. Just have to get more ink cartridges now. :)
Posted by Irene at 9:27 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Stressed out !!!
I have not been happy with the performance of my PC for some time now. I finally took the plunge and bought a new one and in the process of trying to save what was on the old one, I messed up and now the mouse or keyboard won't work. My brother is taking it to set up for his 4 year old grandson to play some games on. He doesn't know what I did ...yet :) I'm sure he will be able to fix it, so am hoping he will be able to save some files for me. There is so much in setting up a new computer. Luckily I printed out my e-mail addresses, and know where most of my favorites are and for those I don't am not going to panic, they will come up at some point.
My big problem is I can't find the CD to install the printer. It has got to be here, but for the life of me I can't remember where I thought it would be save to put :)
Posted by Irene at 3:57 PM 5 comments
Monday, July 30, 2007
No Stitching
For some unknown reason I just have not picked up a needle for a few days. I keep looking at all my "unfinished" finishes, some need framing, most I would like to do as pillows or pin keeps and since I don't have much experience, okay none at all, I'm hesitant about starting any. I'm going to go thru them and pick one and just go for it. I may surprise myself. :)
Tiger and I have been spending a lot of time at Trout Lake looking for rocks. A mother duck and her babies were swimming close by.
Posted by Irene at 3:15 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Folk Art Topiary
I started this months ago, but just got the needed Crescent Color threads to finish it. The pattern designed by Brown House Studio is from the 2004 JCS Christmas Ornaments. I stitched this on 32 ct. Vintage Linen.
Posted by Irene at 8:56 PM 5 comments
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Pillow finish
Needles work Needles play Resting here at end of day.
I stitched this some time ago and today decided to finish it off. Again I am not fully satisfied with my hand sewing, but with time I'm sure it will get better. I stitched this with Needle Necessities 1 over 1 on 28 ct. light mauve. The original pattern, by a local designer, called for some "fancy" stitches which I had a hard time with, so I improvised and gave it a personal touch.
Posted by Irene at 4:12 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Sweet Biscornu
by Periphaeria Designs from the July issue of The Gift of Stitching.
Posted by Irene at 9:59 AM 11 comments
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Stitching Update
Here are some of my latest stitching projects.
Pineapples a thread pack by LHN.
This one is from
where you will find many lovely free patterns.
HIH Bird stitched with DMC CV.
Sweet Biscornu by Periphaeria Designs from The Gift of Stitching July issue.
Pine Tree and Acorns by LHN.
Spring Sampler is a new thread pack from LHN using Crescent Colors Belle Solie threads.
I know I haven't been keeping up with this blog as I should, in fact this post has been in my draft folder since July 3rd. I am going to try, no I am
going to better about this and post more often. In fact I have one of my designs pictured here finished and will post a picture of it tomorrow.
Posted by Irene at 4:56 PM 5 comments
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Pay It Forward
I've signed up for my first PIF at Mary Kathryn's, she does the most awesome work and can't wait to see what she does for me.
Here goes:
Be one of the first five people to respond to this post (via the comments section) and you will receive a cross stitch item made by me. After you comment, please email me your snail mail address( There will be a 365 day or sooner deadline.
The way this works is that if you sign up, you have to blog this as well and continue the sharing (you don’t have to have a blog to participate, just pass on the giving with friends, or surprise someone).
Posted by Irene at 1:39 PM 6 comments
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Q Snap Huggers
I have been admiring these on Kim's blog for some time now. I finally broke down and ordered some. They are wonderful, no need to worry about that extra fabric getting dirty or in the way. I'm sure I will be needing more :)

I was walking at Trout Lake the other day and snapped this picture of a Rose growing amongst the wild grass. Funny thing was I had been there 2
Posted by Irene at 4:44 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 21, 2007
I've been tagged
by Kim to name 7 things about myself and then tag 7 more. Since I am so late in responding to this I will list 7 things, but am not going to tag anyone, you've probably all been tagged by now :)
- I dislike tomatoes, love anything made from them, soup, sauces, salsa.
- I must do my daily Sudoku before bed no matter how late it is.
- My parents are Polish and although I understand it fluently, I only speak a few words.
- I love driving and am not good at being a passenger.
- I collect elephants.
- I listen mostly to Country music, but love all kinds. Barbra Streisand is my all time favorite. (guess I could have made that into 2 things:)
- I sell Avon, have about 10 regular customers.

A small part of my collection.
Posted by Irene at 3:26 PM 4 comments
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Another 4 Finishes
I seem to be on a roll with the LHN Thread Packs. Pumpkins was stitched on 28 ct. Light Mocha. Cherries and Plums were done on 28 ct. evenweave Antique White.
Posted by Irene at 3:29 PM 10 comments
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Still Here !
I guess this is what happens when you don't post for awhile. I used to be able to upload a picture and it would show as a picture, then I would write "around it" Now it uploads as HTML and I am LOST !!
So till I figure this out my posting may be a bit messy. I have shown 3 finishes, Ladybug Ladybug by LHN stitched with DMC on 28 ct. Queen Annes Lace. Rain Go Away by Prairie Schooler with DMC on 28ct. not sure what kind/color. And Cross Stitcher in Residence by Lizzie*Kate with DMC on Sassys 16 ct. Adia Sugared Coffee
Posted by Irene at 3:01 PM 13 comments