14 ct. Grey Adia DMC 3777
Heart on back is from Lady Quaker
Another rainy day here in Burnaby. I sometimes feel that I am not the best "Pet Parent" around. I see others walking their dogs in the rain, some dogs have coats some don't. Me I take advantage of it and stay in. Tiger does have a fair size yard if she really wanted to run around in the rain, but she doesn't. So other than going to the store to pick up a couple of things, Tiger will go for the ride, and then it will be a couch day of stitching.
Then I'm a bad pet parent too ;o) LOL!
Great finish!
Lester nags me to go for a walk every a.m., but once we get outside if it's even drizzling he'll park his little hiney and refuse to move. It's okay by me. :)
I hope tomorrow you have better weather. Congrats on the lovely finish!
I don't have a pet but I still should go out walking but like you, rainy weather keeps me in.
Lovely stitching!
Thanks for sharing, Give Thanks, how appropriate for this time of year. My dog hates the rain, she won't even go potty in the rain. That gives me a great excuse for not walking her in the rain.
Lovely finish! Unfortunately, it rains enough here that I don't have a choice of taking my pup out or not. I would love for us to have a fenced in yard so I could just open the door and let him go!
Great finishes - Give Thanks, HP and Autumn!
That is gorgeous! I just love that pattern too, printed it out and plan to stitch it one year! LOL
Some dogs just don't require as much time out doors as others and if Tiger does not want to go out in the yard, then it probably don't bother her to not go for a walk in the rain! Don't feel bad!
A lovely finish. Congrats!!
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