
Cross Stitch Happy

Monday, September 29, 2008


I was wished a Happy Blogoversary and couldn't believe another year went by and I missed it. I am going to make up 2 gift bags of stitching supplies (sorry, it would take me too long to stitch something) for a draw of names. You will be able to use all the items for stitching and finishing. Won't say more or it won't be a surprise. Just mention in your comment that you would like to be entered into the draw, which I will hold on Oct. 5th. I do love all the comments I receive and enjoy visiting your blogs in return.


Anonymous said...

I would like to participate into your draw. Thank you for the oportunity.

imnverted said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

I would love to be included in your drawing.

Valerie said...

Happy Blogversary! I would love to be included in the drawing.

Loreta said...

Happy anniversary!Please enter me in the draw:)

Nic said...

Happy blogaversary! and what a sweet idea - please enter me in my draw, and here's to many more blog posts from you!

Courtney said...

Happy Blogaversary! Please enter me in the draw!

Dovilė said...

Happy Blogversary! I would like to be included in the drawing.

anna s. said...

Would love to enter! :)

Angela said...

Happy blogoversary Irene! I'd love to be entered in your draw. Thanks :0)

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Please me?! :o)
I always enjoy reading what you've been up to!

Ginnie said...

Please enter me in the draw. Thanks......

staci said...

Happy blogaversary!!! I would love to be entered in your drawing, thank you!

Kathy said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I do enjoy reading your blog. And I would be honored to be included in your drawing. Which is on my Mom's birthday too! :)

Pumpkin said...

Happy Blogversary Irene! Don't feel bad, I completely missed mine this year. LOL! I'll be holding my giveaway on Pumpkin Day :o)

Please enter me in your contest. I'm curious to know what you are putting together....