Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Another year gone by...
I haven't had much time for posting, it seems the older I get the more I procrastinate. My 56th birthday (how the heck did that happen) was Dec. 22nd, so I have good reason to feel old, especially when the body feels it, my mind still feels so young. I wish they could meet in the middle somewhere :) Dec. 17th was my last day of work. When I retired Oct. 31, 2003 I never thought I would go back, Never say Never ! I was asked back in May of 2006 to help cover holidays as they had someone on short term. I've been saying for a long time now that I was going to quit, and it was like perfect timing. I go in to give my notice and get laughed at, yes my manger laughed, he was going to let me go. The department needed to cut back and being casual, I was the first to go, along with another casual employee. Luckily nobody permanent is losing their job. I will definitely miss the extra money, but my Mom needs me at home more now and I don't want any regrets later on.
It's been a busy week, doctor appointments for us both, hair appointments for us both, manicure for myself, last minute shopping, still have the wrapping to do. I remember this time last year we were snowed in, I thought I wasn't going to be able to drive to my Brothers for Christmas Dinner, but thankfully we made it okay. Today the sun is shinning, ground is dry and the kids are wondering how Santa is going to get here without snow. He is just as magical as the reindeers that bring him :)
I was wanting to show some of my stitching, but have misplaced my camera. I've been working on various projects trying to get at least one finished this year. I may, but it won't be in time for Christmas.
All the best to you and your family and thanks for dropping by to read my blog.
Posted by Irene at 1:59 PM 6 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
We went to Trout Lake today and I took my camera along.
Tiger tries to dig up a rock and can't understand why it's not happening.

Then decides she needs to see what that sign is all about.

Oh ! That's why Mama said don't go out there, better get back to her now.

Posted by Irene at 2:40 PM 5 comments
Labels: Trout Lake
Monday, December 07, 2009
Snowman has Arrived
I participated in an ornament exchange in one of my yahoo groups and today this is what I received from Julie. Isn't he just the cutest snowman you've ever seen, I think he is.
Thanks Julie, I just love him.

Posted by Irene at 12:40 PM 10 comments
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Frost and Ice
In a matter of days we have gone from torrential downpours to frosty mornings and icy roads. If we have to have a winter these are the days I prefer. They may be cold but they are clear and you can see how nice the mountains look. There's a picture in my header that I took a few days ago. I was surprised to see Trout Lake was frozen, guessing the city didn't expect it either as there were no warning signs up about staying off the ice.
I wasn't feeling well for a few days, eating too much chocolate and goodies, I think. I really shouldn't bring any into the house, but how can one resist buying them when that's the first thing you see walking into a store. I tell you I have NO willpower whatsoever.
I don't have any new stitching to show, been playing with my stash and wondering when and how I'm going to stitch it all when I'm still buying more :) We can all relate to that, can't we. Also need to get my WIP's into order and work on them before they sit around for another year.
Off to make myelf some hot chocolate and watch Midsommer Murders, you know I wouldn't mind living in a small town like that, except there's always a murder or two every week *LOL*
Posted by Irene at 8:19 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
Exchange Sent is Received
Reindeer by The Workbasket
Posted by Irene at 2:24 PM 10 comments
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday Finishes on a Sunday
EDITED: oops ! I did the biscornu trees in Sassy Strings by Sassy's Fabby
Posted by Irene at 1:26 PM 5 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Boom and Water is Hot !
I couldn't get the pilot to light this morning so my brother's SIL came over, he needed to put a few things back as they should be. He kept trying and then BOOM a small explosion and he got it going. We are assuming there was an air blockage or something like that and once it cleared, scaring the sh*t out of us both, it worked. I now just need to keep an eye on the temporary sump pump. It's raining today and the forecast is rain for the next week.
I'm off to plop myself down in front of the TV and see if I can finish sewing a couple of things together. If I succeed there will be a show and tell soon.
Posted by Irene at 1:27 PM 7 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
I Give Up !
Not only do we have no hot water, it seems our basement flooded. We don't use our basement it's only there because we live on a hill and so needed to put it in, it's partial, cement floor and used mainly for storage. When I went down on Thursday to check about the hot water tank, the pan beneath was full of water. The rug at the bottom of the stairs was soaked, so I checked to make sure the drainage outside the door into the stairwell was clear and it was. My conclusion was that the tank had a leak and the way things are set out the rug could have been effected. Thankfully for some unknown reason my Mom decides to go down there today and the stairwell drainage is clogged or so we thought. After a long day of looking into things this is what happened.... The sump pump stopped working, basement flooded high enough to distinguish the pilot light on hot water tank, sump pump decided to work again and cement floor dried up, then stopped working but since it has also stopped raining there is not enough water in stairwell to flood basement. My brother who normally would look after this is away so his son in law was kind enough to come over and help out. We have a temporary pump going, stairwell now has no water, but we cannot get the pilot light on the hot water tank to work. He can get it on but it will not stay on, so we are hoping it needs to dry up some more. I will give it a try tomorrow morning and if not we will need to call in a repairman. The tank is 4 years old and under warranty so hopefully it won't cost much to fix. The sump pump has failed before and our basement has flooded, but never to the point of damaging anything.
As bad as this is for us, I miss my hot shower :) I know that others have it much worse because of the storms we have been having. Some use their basements for family rooms and if they flood so does all their carpeting and furniture, some have been without power for days, which means their food is going to waste and that could cost a small fortune.
It hasn't rained today so maybe this is the end of it, I sure hope so.
PS: Spoke too soon, not only is it raining this evening, there is lighting and thunder.
Posted by Irene at 4:17 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Rain, Rain and More Rain !
We have been having quit the storm here. We have had one day without rain in a week, it happened to be the day I worked. Some areas on Vancouver Island are being declared a state of emergency with all the flooding. Wind storms are also causing damage. I've been pretty lucky, no flooding, no power failures and then this morning I go to have a shower and there's no hot water. Our tank is gone.
I went for the H1N1 and seasonal flu shots yesterday. My Doctor had two students doing the shots and happened to mention that in the UK it's only the students who give shots. Taking my Mom to her Doctor this afternoon for her shots and then I guess it will be off to see about getting the water tank fixed/replaced.
I finished my exchange ornament and got it in the mail, hope my partner likes it. I'm working on a biscornu that I think will turn out to be pretty big. I always like to stitch a co-ordinating back, but can't think of what to do for this one, it's on white with 4 Christmas trees, so I was thinking of green tea dyeing fabric for the back. I'm hoping to get this done today.
Posted by Irene at 11:20 AM 4 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
11 out of 15
We are at the halfway point of NaBloPoMo and I'm short 4 posts, or you could say I posted a lot this month :) The glass is either half full or half empty, depends on which way you look at it.
Yesterday I took advantage of Michael's 4 hour sale (9-1) of 20% off everything including sale items. I picked up a "few" floss I needed and some needles. I was disappointed as earlier in the week I was at Michael's North Van store and they had a Nutcracker that I would like, only for the sale I went to the Burnaby store and they didn't have any. Guess it wasn't meant to be. Today was a dark and rainy day never letting up. Hopefully it will rain itself out before tomorrow.
Posted by Irene at 8:13 PM 3 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
Today I got up early as I had a specialists appointment downtown at 10:30. First time I met this doctor and he is really nice and very young, but that could be my age showing :) My Mom is always saying how young the doctors are these days and I just tell her at her age (83) of course they are young ;) So far everything is fine, need to go for a test Jan. 28th, but I'm sure the results will be okay. From there I was going to go to the annual craft fair at the Pan Pacific. Long time since I have been to that part of town and took a wrong turn and ended up going over the Lions Gate Bridge into West Vancouver. Oh well probably saved myself some unnecessary spending. There will be lots more community craft fairs around that I will have no problem getting to. I spent the rest of the day working on my exchange ornament and got it finished, am now stitching it together, so will get it in the mail on time. It's going to be hard to part with as I really like how it looks.
Posted by Irene at 11:19 PM 4 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The weather forecast was wrong, no rain today. To make up for that they are calling for rain tonight. I really wish they could get it right. Anyways Tiger and I went to Trout Lake and I took some random shots of the trees. These are on the other side from where the flooding is. As you can see the sky was mostly clear and sunny, nice day for a walk.
Posted by Irene at 3:46 PM 2 comments
Labels: Trout Lake
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Too Much Rain

Posted by Irene at 2:01 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 09, 2009
Stitching Question
Yesterday was a full day of visiting relatives and going out for lunch that I didn't have time to post. Today I was organizing my WIP and can't believe how many I have, we'll cover that another day.
So I've decided to put this question out there. Do you have a color of floss that you do not like stitching with ? I do, it's white ! I find it doesn't cover as well as other colors. I used to use one strand folded so there would be that loop to anchor the first stitch, well I started using two (no loop) and believe it or not the coverage (with all colors) is much better. With the white I've tried completing each stitch as I go and that seems to work well too.
Look forward to hearing if there are any you don't like.
Posted by Irene at 9:13 PM 12 comments
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Give Thanks

Posted by Irene at 8:53 AM 9 comments
Labels: freebies, Red, The Stitcherhood
Friday, November 06, 2009
Friday Flop
Well I awoke this morning to pounding rain, throughout the day it would stop only to start up again. It was a good day to stay in and stitch, which I did. Yesterday I came across a nice little pattern and finished it today and when I went to take pictures the camera wouldn't co-operate. I'm charging the battery now and tomorrow we'll see if I can get it to work.
Posted by Irene at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Fall Hocus Pocus !
Well I missed a day of blogging. By the time I got home from work and wound down it was too late. Today was not looking good either, but here are 3 things I've stitched in the last little while. I can't remember where the fob came from so if you know, please tell me so I can give credit where it is due.
Lizze Kate
14ct Lemon Twist by Sassy's Fabbys
with DMC
Posted by Irene at 2:56 PM 11 comments
Labels: Autumn, Fob, Helga Mandl Designs, Lizzie Kate