I was wished a Happy Blogoversary and couldn't believe another year went by and I missed it. I am going to make up 2 gift bags of stitching supplies (sorry, it would take me too long to stitch something) for a draw of names. You will be able to use all the items for stitching and finishing. Won't say more or it won't be a surprise. Just mention in your comment that you would like to be entered into the draw, which I will hold on Oct. 5th. I do love all the comments I receive and enjoy visiting your blogs in return.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Posted by Irene at 8:55 PM 14 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Otter Love
A sea otter who captured the hearts of millions with her heroic tale and loving nature died yesterday at the Vancouver Aquarium.
Posted by Irene at 1:53 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Burn After Reading
Nope, not my blog. The movie. The furnace is broken and it was raining all day yesterday, so took my Mom to see a movie. Originally we planned on seeing The Women, but we were early and in time for this one. I'm not sure what I was expecting, surprising in a lot of parts, but overall it was a good movie. Brad Pitt plays the goofy/nerdy part very well.
Had someone out on Friday to look at the furnace and a part needs ordering, so it will be a few days before it gets fixed. We do have a gas fireplace so are not freezing by any means. Today is nice and the sun is trying to come out. Tiger and I walked Trout Lake twice to make up for yesterday, I might have done one more but she had a hard time keeping up with me.
Also started some finishes yesterday morning, but they are not quite done. Oh and I got the JCS Ornament issue, lots in there I would like to do, have even started the PS one. I'm stitching with the called for colors, but as I'm stitching it I start thinking it would look nice with green trees and a reddish/brown house, so may do another with those colors.
I'll have some pictures of my finishes to post in a few days.
Posted by Irene at 1:17 PM 5 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I Love Red
Finally I have some pictures to show for my stitching. I have been trying all week to get decent pictures taken and they were either too dark or blurry. Maybe I need a new camera or maybe it's the photographer.

I stitched up a little fob using Lizzie Kates Alphabet. I only stitched the background for the initial, assissi style. I was so engrossed in hand stitching the seams and getting the n

Posted by Irene at 2:39 PM 19 comments
Labels: Red
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The Holly Frog !
That darn frog just won't leave. I decided to start LK Christmas Double Flip. I got the fabric especially for this so knew it was the right size, I just don't know how to count very well. I started the border across the top and down the sides a bit then started Holly, got the HO done and then the L wouldn't line up right. Found where I went wrong and had to rip what I had done, not the border thankfully. Got the HOLL done and half the Y and it wouldn't line up right. I started the top of the Y over one stitch too many, so instead of ripping it out I added a stitch at the bottom so it looks okay, I think. It's too late to take a picture now, maybe tomorrow.
A few weeks ago we met this dog at Trout Lake and he took an instant liking to Tiger. I managed to get a little video clip of them playing. You will hear his owner refer to him as a Jack Russell, which he is, only the tail was never cropped, which I rather like.
Posted by Irene at 10:16 PM 8 comments
Monday, September 01, 2008
Blues and Frogs
Even with feeling lousy I did manage to get some stitching done. I found these cute little patterns about a year ago, printed them off, but it doesn't say where I got them and I can't seem to locate where it was. If anyone recognizes them please let me know. There were 8 in total in light blue and reds. Anyways, here is two of them, didn't turn out like I thought they would, but they will do.

I couldn't resist this Helga Mandl pattern from the June 2008 issue of The Gift of Stitching. It's just the cutest, but hasn't' been doing a good job. Maybe if I move him closer to where I stitch it will help :)

That's it for today, tomorrow I will share more of what I've been stitching and some WIP's.

Posted by Irene at 9:23 PM 4 comments