Sunday, October 09, 2011
Friday, July 01, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Posted by Irene at 1:13 PM 2 comments
Labels: Biscornu
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
I can't believe my last post was a month ago. I am 99.9% better with the pinched nerve. The tip of my index finger is still frozen. The Dr. says it may still come around, but it's been a while and I can't see it getting any better. It's not painful, just very awkward.
I've been doing some stitching, this is where it gets awkward holding the needle, but I can still stitch :) I'll be sharing some photos soon.
Our weather has been so crazy. We'll get some really nice days, hot and sunny, then wham it rains. Last Thursday and Friday were the craziest, rain for a couple of hours then sunny, then back to rain. At one point the rain was coming down so hard it was bouncing off the road.
I got my new camera today, it is a Sony Cyber-shot and so far I am liking it. Still have some things to figure out.
This is the very first picture I took. I couldn't get Tiger to look at me, there was no food involved :)
I started up another blog Daily Focus, with the intent of posting a photo daily, but now I think I will just see how many I can get on there before the end of the year.

Posted by Irene at 3:22 PM 4 comments
Friday, May 27, 2011
Temporary Absence
I have a pinched nerve in my neck and my thumb and two fingers are frozen numb. I am much better today, but this has been a week of utter excruciating pain. It started late Saturday and by late Sunday afternoon I could not stand it anymore so I went to the local clinic and they prescribed an anti inflammatory. It may have been doing it's job, but the pain was still there. Wednesday morning I went to see my doctor and she knew right away that it was a pinched nerve. Prescribed a muscle relaxant and something for the nerve. I went for x-rays, but don't know the results yet. She also told me I should go for physio therapy. I had my first session of physio yesterday and whatever they did has helped a lot.
I'm right handed, so naturally that would be the one effected. I tried several times during this week to use the computer, but as soon as I touched the mouse I screamed in pain. Needless to say there is no stitching.
Since I felt better today I thought I would give it a try, but right now my fingers are saying that's enough.
Hope to be back soon.

Posted by Irene at 2:24 PM 12 comments
Saturday, May 21, 2011
A Pair of Pincushions
Posted by Irene at 1:16 PM 5 comments
Labels: Blackbird
Thursday, May 19, 2011
I've been trying to write a post here for 20 minutes and I'm not getting the look I want. Y'all know this is a LHN design and it was stitched with CC Belle Soie, which was just a joy to stitch with. More tomorrow.

Posted by Irene at 8:43 PM 14 comments
Labels: LHN
Monday, April 04, 2011
Meet the Hare Family

Posted by Irene at 1:32 PM 14 comments
Labels: Plum Street Samplers
Friday, March 25, 2011
Three for Now
The Sampler Girl

Posted by Irene at 1:32 PM 5 comments
Labels: LHN, The Sampler Girl
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Happy Spring !
Finally, spring has sprung. It's not raining as much and it seems the days are a bit warmer and of course longer. Took Tiger to Trout Lake yesterday and could not believe how excited she was. Our visits over the winter months have been sporadic. I really need to get into a better routine where we go more often, as we both could use the walk to get rid of some "winter flab".
I leave you today with 2 more stitches from last year that I'm pretty sure I didn't blog about.

Posted by Irene at 10:32 PM 8 comments
Labels: Lizzie Kate
A while ago I told you how I had gotten back into reading. As I was browsing around looking at book sites I came across this one that peeked my interest
Body Movers by Stephanie Bond . I read the first one and thought it's okay, but since I had purchased the first 3 as a bundle, I read on and couldn't stop till I reached book 6. Books 7 and 8 are on hold, as there are talks of making a TV series. I can't wait to find out what happens, so I'm hoping it will be soon, very soon. As for making it into a TV series, it could work with the right actors.

Posted by Irene at 4:11 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy St. Patrick's Day
I havn't posted since the end of January, yikes that is a long time. No specific reason or problems, time just got away from me. We ended February with snow and so far March has been stormy, rain, thunder and lightining. And more rain !
I do have stitching to show for my time away and will bring you up to date soon.
Posted by Irene at 4:03 PM 5 comments
Labels: freebies
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday Finishes
Okay so it isn't Friday, I missed the last two and this is a small catch up for those days.
I haven't stuck to my plans for January. Didn't do very much stitching on the ufo, started 4 new patterns, the last two above and 2 others. Have made more clutter out of my stash rather than organizing it. In fact, I feel like my whole life is a clutter right now and that is probably why I can't get organized never mind my house.
With the exception of today, which is a really nice dry sunny day, we have had nothing but rain and gloomy days. I'm not complaining, it could be worse, but it makes me feel so gloomy and miserable, I can't stand myself :) Good thing Tiger can't talk, she would tell you just how miserable I've been.

Posted by Irene at 3:22 PM 8 comments
Labels: Biscornu, Blue Ribbon, freebies, Friday Finish
Monday, January 17, 2011
Reading or Stitching
I love to read, at least I used to all the time. When I worked full time (7 years ago) most lunch breaks you would find me with a book. I could have spent all my time reading. I did stitch, one project at a time and usually a large one, like L&L angels. Then when I retired somehow both those hobbies took a back seat. I guess helping Mom look after my Dad was more time consuming than I remember.
I got back into stitching and discovered all these new designers whose patterns I fell in love with and started stitching and stitching and, well lets just say it has taken over, but I don't mind in the least. Just wish I could stitch as fast as they design.
Then I bought an e-book (Sony) and as I didn't have anything to compare it with, thought it worked fine and didn't think too much about the fact that one page could be 4 lines and the next a full page. Not only was I helping to save trees, I was saving money by borrowing from the library without having to leave home. Only I still did not read like I used to, but at least I was reading a few books a year, probably what most of you read in a month.
A few months ago I bought an iPad. You need an app for something, they most likely have it. There's ebooks and ibooks and I'm sure others. Well I finally figured out how to get books I already have onto ibooks and am impressed with it. Every page is full and it never stalls (at times the Sony would freeze up). In the last 2 days I have read 1 book and started another. Okay they are not intense or huge books, but hey this is a start back into a hobby I once thought I couldn't live without.
The books are by an author I had never heard of, Gayle Trent . Murder Takes the Cake was so good I had to start Dead Pan right away. She has also written 2 books under the pseudonym Amanda Lee. These 4 books is all she has written, I do hope she continues the series with them.
So if you like cozy murder mysteries, you will most likely like these.
Now, the question is do I go stitch or read ?????
Posted by Irene at 2:59 PM 8 comments
Labels: Books
Friday, January 14, 2011
Friday Finishes
28 ct. Jazlyn Bone
DMC 3831
These were all previously stitched. I did all the finishing/sewing by hand.
The Sampler Girl
I can't find the pattern for this one anyone know who the desinger is ?
Stacy Nash Primitives
Posted by Irene at 3:23 PM 9 comments
Labels: freebies, Friday Finish, Sampler Girl
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Posted by Irene at 12:15 AM 2 comments
Friday, January 07, 2011
Friday Finish
This is #1 of 8 from my "needs to be finished" pile. Since there are 4 Fridays this month, I thought 2 every week was reasonable, but time just got away from me, maybe there will be 3 next Friday ;)

Posted by Irene at 3:46 PM 9 comments
Labels: Friday Finish, PS