
Cross Stitch Happy

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I've been trying to write a post here for 20 minutes and I'm not getting the look I want. Y'all know this is a LHN design and it was stitched with CC Belle Soie, which was just a joy to stitch with. More tomorrow.


Theresa said...

Gorgeous finish!!

Denise said...

He's a pretty little guy!

Robin said...

Nice job. Colors look gorgious!

Cindy's Stitching said...

Love the blue color. What a nice design.

Melissa said...

That looks great, Irene! What a lovely design.

I trust you are enjoying all this sunshine! Have a great long weekend!

Unknown said...

It turned out great Irene!!! So pretty!!

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

That is sooooooo pretty! ;)

Mylene said...

Love it! Congrats on the finish!!

Pumpkin said...

I love it too! Great job Irene :o)

Cristina said...

Its a very beautiful job.. I like it! :D

Myra said...

Such a pretty piece Irene. Great job!

Karen said...

Very nice finish... giggled when I say you used "y'all". It is such a southern thing....welll you may be a southern

happy stitching...

Robin said...

Liked this so much I picked up this leaflet while on retreat this weekend!

Anonymous said...

nice designs embroidery digitising service good quality!