I'm right handed and just this week realized there are some things you naturally do with your left hand. As you know I fell and injured not only the ankle, which is healing slowly, but did something to my left arm. It is not bruised nor swollen, so I really don't understand why it hurts as much as it does. I can't seem to put pressure on it. Some examples of this are, toilet handle to flush is on the left, so reach out your left hand and in my case yelp :) Sink, hot water tap is on left, yelp again. Going downstairs, hand rail is on left, hold ever so gently just in case I fall. Since I was walking much better decided to go to the store, getting in and out of car, BIG YELP ! I'm sure there must be more, but these are the ones I noticed.
Today was suppose to be a Friday Finish, went to cut out a fob I had stitched this week and went to hold the ruler in place with my left hand and rotary cut with the right and I almost cut the fob in half.
At least this hasn't stopped my stitching, as long as I don't need to cut the fabric smaller to stitch on. Hmmm.... maybe some WIP's will get done :)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Right or Left Handed
Posted by Irene at 8:19 PM 8 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
No Medal for Me
I took quite the tumble at Trout Lake this morning. I wasn't watching where I was going and was along the edge of the gravel walkway and with all the rain it was uneven and I took a tumble. I felt my right ankle turn under me, and as I fell somehow used my left arm to try and brace myself. A city worker and another dog owner came to my rescue and offered help, as much as Tiger would allow them. The guy was trying to help me up and Tiger just looked him in the face and gave a low growl, she's such a good protector. Anyways, with the help I managed to get up and was able to stand without putting much weight on the ankle. I hobbled over to a log, closest place to sit, and sat for awhile, hobbled to my car and sat for awhile, thought about calling someone to come get me and decided I should try and drive home. I managed with using my left foot to brake. Hobbled into the house, sat in the recliner and Mom got me an ice pack for the ankle which by this time is swollen, but surprisingly not hurting as much as it did at first. Mind you I tend to have a high tolerance of pain for things like this. I was covered in mud, jeans and jacket are in the wash now, my favorite over the body purse may be ruined, I'll try and see if I can salvage it. Oh and my left arm hurts if I try to put pressure on it, so picture this, getting up from a chair not putting weight on your right ankle nor left arm. There really should be a medal for that :) I would win gold !
Posted by Irene at 2:18 PM 11 comments
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Valentines Day
Just got back from seeing the movie Valentines Day. It's funny, surprising and makes you think about the meaning of friendship and love. I don't want to say too much about it, surprises are always good, right ? If you do go to see it, enjoy !
Posted by Irene at 4:11 PM 4 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Once in a Lifetime, Twice in One Day !
I was at my computer reading blogs this morning when this truck drove by honking away, I looked out the window and people were lined up and down the street. I went and asked what was going on, imagine my surprise to find out that the Olympic Torch was going to be right outside my front door. I ran in to get my camera and told Mom she should come out. Not only did the torch go by, it was also the spot for lighting the next runner's torch. We then had to go to the Credit Union, only to find people lined up for blocks upon blocks waiting for the Olympic Torch to go by. Mom went and did her business and I found out that the torch was on it's way to Trout Lake. So we headed there and once again I got to see the torch not only go by but being passed onto the next runner. I didn't get a good photo of the torch, but the videos I got are not too bad, you can really hear and feel the excitement from the kids at Trout Lake. There's a few of them, so if you would like to see a small part of the 2010 Olympic Torch relay click here and enjoy :)
Posted by Irene at 3:18 PM 10 comments
Friday, February 05, 2010
Fob or Pillow
Here is the matching fob, guess pillow, as I forgot to sew the ribbon on :)
28 count Monaco white
Needle Necessities #1090
Posted by Irene at 4:53 PM 3 comments
Friday Finish

Posted by Irene at 3:36 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
14 count white adia
Valentine Booklet
Little House Needlework
Quaker Mini
Along with those I blogged about last month and a couple I know are here somewhere, this is what I stitched in January.
For the LHN January, I used beads for the snowman eyes and buttons and a cute button for the corner snowflake. I'm really pleased with this one.
Love from The Stitcherhood is a freebie and was stitched in 3 hours last night, oops guess it's acutually a February stitch :)
Valentine Tweets gold birdies are missing their tails, can't figure out which color they are suppose to be.
LHN yahoo group pattern will be finished into a floss tag. I stitched a heart for the back and it's off centre, so will probably add a couple more small ones, so it's not that noticeable.
Posted by Irene at 1:39 PM 13 comments
Labels: Floss Tag, freebies, LHN, The Stitcherhood