I love to read, at least I used to all the time. When I worked full time (7 years ago) most lunch breaks you would find me with a book. I could have spent all my time reading. I did stitch, one project at a time and usually a large one, like L&L angels. Then when I retired somehow both those hobbies took a back seat. I guess helping Mom look after my Dad was more time consuming than I remember.
I got back into stitching and discovered all these new designers whose patterns I fell in love with and started stitching and stitching and, well lets just say it has taken over, but I don't mind in the least. Just wish I could stitch as fast as they design.
Then I bought an e-book (Sony) and as I didn't have anything to compare it with, thought it worked fine and didn't think too much about the fact that one page could be 4 lines and the next a full page. Not only was I helping to save trees, I was saving money by borrowing from the library without having to leave home. Only I still did not read like I used to, but at least I was reading a few books a year, probably what most of you read in a month.
A few months ago I bought an iPad. You need an app for something, they most likely have it. There's ebooks and ibooks and I'm sure others. Well I finally figured out how to get books I already have onto ibooks and am impressed with it. Every page is full and it never stalls (at times the Sony would freeze up). In the last 2 days I have read 1 book and started another. Okay they are not intense or huge books, but hey this is a start back into a hobby I once thought I couldn't live without.
The books are by an author I had never heard of, Gayle Trent . Murder Takes the Cake was so good I had to start Dead Pan right away. She has also written 2 books under the pseudonym Amanda Lee. These 4 books is all she has written, I do hope she continues the series with them.
So if you like cozy murder mysteries, you will most likely like these.
Now, the question is do I go stitch or read ?????