
Cross Stitch Happy

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Yesterday's Stash

These are photos of the rest of yesterday's shopping. At the top we have
Sitting Pretty by Mosey 'n Me, I fell in love with the crow's eye, yeah I know call me crazy ! The cutesy elephants are by Heart Strings. It's a series called Noah and Company and they had all sorts of animals designed similar to this one. These are laying on top of the floss I got.
Next we have the $5.00 bundle of fabric. I've already made a fob out of one of the smaller pieces, just need to sew it together. The pieces laying on the bottom are longer than the top ones. And lastly we have Checkerbird by HIH. It's a kit with chart, linen and pillow included. I thought the bird was pinkish, which is one of the reasons I liked it. I didn't take a close look at the back of the package, so didn't see that the pillow was black with pumpkins. I looked at the threads it calls for and the bird is Sampler Thread Nutmeg, that's right not in the pink family at all. I noticed a small part of one edge of the pillow looks sun-bleached and I'm wondering if that is what happened to the picture, after all the store had it sitting by the window. I really like the design, so am going to stitch it up and hope it ends up looking okay.
PS: Happy Birthday Tiger, she is 9 years old today.


Angela said...

I just love all those fabric colors!

Pumpkin said...

Look at all those pretty colors of fabric! Nice bundles :o)

I was thinking the same thing about your birdie until I looked closer at the pillow!

Dovilė said...

nice stash, I like Checkerbird by HIH :)

Jane said...

ooh lovely. You have a great time with these

Sally said...

Very nice stash Irene. I love all the different coloured fabric. That was a real bargain.

Ginnie said...

Great stash - I love the elephant one - I am going to investigate that Noah and Co stuff!!

mumzy said...

Irene, you make me wish I had stuck with cross stitching. Your stash is very interesting and very lovely. However, I'm now into quilting and today, I too, had to pick up some material to add to my present project.

Anonymous said...

Tiger is 9 already? Wow, time flies.

~ Toni ~ said...

What a wonderful fabric selection. Happy Birthday to Tiger...was there cupcakes or maybe a DQ Blizzard?

staci said...

Terrific stash! That fabric was a steal!!!

WendyCarole said...

Love the elephants

Olga said...

Wonderful colors of the fabric! It will be interesting to look at your birdie when you finish stitching it.