Long overdue for a posting. Everything here is fine and not so fine. Firstly, my back is much better. Doctor's office called and said she wanted to see me about the results of my x-ray, nothing urgent, thank goodness as I waited 10 days to get in. I'm sure if there was a problem I wouldn't have had to wait. Just as she predicted it is degenerative, but not as bad as my pain would indicate, not to mention how often it happens. It's also weak muscles and weight. I am slowly working on it, baby steps at a time.
Last Tuesday I worked and when I got home Tiger was outside and so happy to see me she came running down to the garage and was jumping all over me. They say things can happen in a split second, well she ran ahead of me and I heard this yelp. She started limping and was obviously in pain, laid on the floor all evening, didn't eat. The next morning I took her to the vet and she has a torn ligament. She had this same problem last year, although I don't know how it happened, and it was the other hind leg. She is improving, can now get up on her outside chair and some mornings I find her sleeping on the couch. She has only come upstairs once since this happened and it was kind of funny, at first I thought it was my Mom banging her cane, only to find Tiger limping up the steps, she went to her usual spot in the computer room and I bent down petted her and asked if she wanted to go to Trout Lake, well the tail started going and she got up and started limping off, turning back to see if I was coming. We went and I parked as close to the off leash area as I could and we just spent our time there. Tiger can't walk too much, but just the fact that she is wanting to get out is a good sign. Today she went swimming, which should
be good exercise for the leg.
However this is how she felt when we got home, after 5 minutes of realizing she couldn't stay in the car she did get out.
With Tiger not being able to walk, even when she can she's not as fast as she used to be, I have decided to start going to a track to do "my" walking. Last Monday was my first day and I did 3 laps, 1/4 mile each lap. For some unkown reason I skipped yesterday, oh yeah I was lazy. I did go today, told myself it's only 35-40 minutes out of my day and with the weather being so nice, it's good to be out and about, fresh air and all.As for stitching I have done some, don't have any pictures to post today. Battery is being charged. I will take some and post them tomorrow, might even have a finish tonight.

I do hope your walking helps you feel better and I will be looking forward to seing your stitching.
Have a great weekend!
Awww, poor Tiger!
I am glad that your back is feeling better! I hope that Tiger feels better and is all healed up soon! Poor thing!
Good to read that your back is better by now. Good luck with your walking exercise, hopefully it might help a lot with your back problem.
Glad to see your back is getting better or at least less pain.
Poor Tiger, hope she gets better soon. It is so heartbreaking to see an animal in pain.
Take care of yourself and Tiger.
Oh, I feel your back pain - I have had chronic stuff with my back for years and have finally learned to do just what you said "baby steps" instead of being impatient and then making it worse! Good job on the walking.
So sad about Tiger - I hope the recovery is fast!
I do relate to the back pain problems, and the "cure" you are suggested. We could start a club...
Poor Tiger, I hope she's better soon. When my Jam was 11 to 14, it was hard for him to walk a long time and I missed those walks. Now with my puppy, I can't wait for those long walks again... Not ready yet: too much to smell, to see, to hear so it takes quite some time to walk to school but... in time...
Sending you and Tiger many hugs and get well wishes.
Great blog, I enjoyed reading it.
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