32 ct. Flax Fields R&R

Spring by ??
28 ct. white Monaco
Pastel Rainbow by Hand-Dyed Fibers
Caribbean Eve by Hand-dyed fibers
I'm a new fan of hand-dyed fibers in silk. My first stitch with them was the Quaker flower and I wasn't crazy about it. Could be that it was 1 over 2, but the end result is good. Next was spring, which if anyone could tell me where this free design is from I would appreciate it. Oh and I just stitched the word not the little flowers on it. My third was the Blackbird design and that convinced me. I have more different colors to try, will probably do some small little pillows.
I have a new picture in my header that I took at Trout lake last week. You really had to be there to see this, but believe me it was funny. Mother and her babies were swimming around and there was a big puppy there, and he went after them, she got her babies away and the next thing you know the father duck comes over and gives her heck, it was quite of the site, both were quacking and flapping their wings at each other. I'm guessing she won as he left and she continued her swim around with the babies.