Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Another year gone by...
I haven't had much time for posting, it seems the older I get the more I procrastinate. My 56th birthday (how the heck did that happen) was Dec. 22nd, so I have good reason to feel old, especially when the body feels it, my mind still feels so young. I wish they could meet in the middle somewhere :) Dec. 17th was my last day of work. When I retired Oct. 31, 2003 I never thought I would go back, Never say Never ! I was asked back in May of 2006 to help cover holidays as they had someone on short term. I've been saying for a long time now that I was going to quit, and it was like perfect timing. I go in to give my notice and get laughed at, yes my manger laughed, he was going to let me go. The department needed to cut back and being casual, I was the first to go, along with another casual employee. Luckily nobody permanent is losing their job. I will definitely miss the extra money, but my Mom needs me at home more now and I don't want any regrets later on.
It's been a busy week, doctor appointments for us both, hair appointments for us both, manicure for myself, last minute shopping, still have the wrapping to do. I remember this time last year we were snowed in, I thought I wasn't going to be able to drive to my Brothers for Christmas Dinner, but thankfully we made it okay. Today the sun is shinning, ground is dry and the kids are wondering how Santa is going to get here without snow. He is just as magical as the reindeers that bring him :)
I was wanting to show some of my stitching, but have misplaced my camera. I've been working on various projects trying to get at least one finished this year. I may, but it won't be in time for Christmas.
All the best to you and your family and thanks for dropping by to read my blog.
Posted by Irene at 1:59 PM 6 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
We went to Trout Lake today and I took my camera along.
Tiger tries to dig up a rock and can't understand why it's not happening.

Then decides she needs to see what that sign is all about.

Oh ! That's why Mama said don't go out there, better get back to her now.

Posted by Irene at 2:40 PM 5 comments
Labels: Trout Lake
Monday, December 07, 2009
Snowman has Arrived
I participated in an ornament exchange in one of my yahoo groups and today this is what I received from Julie. Isn't he just the cutest snowman you've ever seen, I think he is.
Thanks Julie, I just love him.

Posted by Irene at 12:40 PM 10 comments
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Frost and Ice
In a matter of days we have gone from torrential downpours to frosty mornings and icy roads. If we have to have a winter these are the days I prefer. They may be cold but they are clear and you can see how nice the mountains look. There's a picture in my header that I took a few days ago. I was surprised to see Trout Lake was frozen, guessing the city didn't expect it either as there were no warning signs up about staying off the ice.
I wasn't feeling well for a few days, eating too much chocolate and goodies, I think. I really shouldn't bring any into the house, but how can one resist buying them when that's the first thing you see walking into a store. I tell you I have NO willpower whatsoever.
I don't have any new stitching to show, been playing with my stash and wondering when and how I'm going to stitch it all when I'm still buying more :) We can all relate to that, can't we. Also need to get my WIP's into order and work on them before they sit around for another year.
Off to make myelf some hot chocolate and watch Midsommer Murders, you know I wouldn't mind living in a small town like that, except there's always a murder or two every week *LOL*
Posted by Irene at 8:19 PM 3 comments